Sunshine and Showers say the forecasters, and for once they are right!
The last few days have seen almost every kind of weather imaginable - bright warm sunshine broken by short, sharp showers and with a fair smattering of thunder and even hailstones whilst driving through north Kent yesterday! That is the British weather for you.
A recent break in the otherwise gloomy April weather whilst in Brighton allowed me a very brief few minutes to capture some long overdue shots of the long lines of bathing huts on Hove seafront. There is something very 'British' about a hut, and when situated by the sea, and painted in bright colours, it just encapsulates the British seaside holiday - tea, sandwiches and a towel to preserve the modesty! The beach huts at Hove are a perfect example and offer promise of a summer to come.....
The last few days have seen almost every kind of weather imaginable - bright warm sunshine broken by short, sharp showers and with a fair smattering of thunder and even hailstones whilst driving through north Kent yesterday! That is the British weather for you.
A recent break in the otherwise gloomy April weather whilst in Brighton allowed me a very brief few minutes to capture some long overdue shots of the long lines of bathing huts on Hove seafront. There is something very 'British' about a hut, and when situated by the sea, and painted in bright colours, it just encapsulates the British seaside holiday - tea, sandwiches and a towel to preserve the modesty! The beach huts at Hove are a perfect example and offer promise of a summer to come.....